Thursday, May 20, 2010

the black tie affair-white dreams of holland

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

This is how I feel sometimes

This fits my mood lately!

Hello Kitty Kick

A friend sent me a picture of a Hello Kitty AK and I decided to see what other cool things where out there, so I Googled. That always gets one in trouble! Here are some of the cool things that I found:

Monday, May 17, 2010

Settling In

Sorry for the delay in posting. I am still trying to settle into my new place. Moving is always hard. I have not been able to set up my craft room yet, but am looking forward to spending an afternoon with my friends deciding how to best set up my new space. This could be an awesome beginning! I have discovered that some of my new neighbors are really into arts and crafts. I look forward to spending many hours hanging out with them.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Year in Bread

I discovered a new blog that I just know I am going to LOVE: A Year in Bread. Hope you can find the time to check it out. Just looking at all the breads gives me inspiration and makes me want to bake something right now!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Crochet Kitty

This last weekend (holiday in the US) I decided that I would like to learn to crochet. I made a couple of attempts and figured out how to do a chain stitch. I decided that because I had a helper (his name is Paul and he is 16 years old) who was very playful and excited with the process that I would do more practice chains.

I then tied all of the chains together and viola- instant kitty toy!

I also figured out how to do a single stitch. So, at the close of the weekend all I had accomplished was this!

I am hoping that I am able to make more progress soon. I had been hoping that I would have been able to complete a scarf because I went to a couple of sites with free patterns and found that they all boasted "two hour" scarves! Apparently my clocks are set to a different mathmatical system :)